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Using Creatine to Fuel Performance: Get the Facts.

There is a lot of talk about Creatine. But let’s look at what we know about the popular muscle and strength builder from the extensive research that’s been conducted over the last four decades and how it can potentially benefit your performance.

Creatine is More Than Just a Performance Enhancer.

Creatine is found naturally occurring in many of the foods we eat such as meat and fish. Additionally the body produces some every day. Taken consistently over time, Creatine supplements can help replenish the muscle’s energy stores for short bursts of high-intensity, anaerobic activity, potentially increasing performance.

Who Uses It?

Explosive athletes such as sprinters, rowers, cyclists and powerlifters commonly use Creatine because it helps support high-intensity training and performance. Additionally it is effective for helping support muscle strength, making it a popular supplement for power-based athletes such as footballers and rugby players, with those engaged in resistance training and essentially any athlete looking to support their performance.

Load Up or Load Long?

How to take Creatine as a supplement is a much-discussed subject, with various usage protocols out there.

The objective is to build up stores of Creatine in the muscles over time and this can take several weeks to months, depending on dosing strategy.

Studies show that intramuscular PCr (phosphocreatine) stores may be increased by as much as 20-40% after 28 days of supplementation.

‘Loading’ is one way to use Creatine supplements and refers to the practice of taking 5 grams of Creatine 4 times a day (20 grams in total) for five to seven days to achieve muscle saturation quicker. The loading phase is not necessary, and the same effect will be achieved by taking a standard 5 grams dose of Creatine monohydrate per day, although it might take a little longer, for Creatine saturation to occur.

Maintaining these stores requires a simple 5 grams amount as powder or capsules per day on both training and non-training days, thereafter.

Just Say When.

The benefits of Creatine supplementation are the greatest when it is taken as a consistent, daily supplement, rather than sporadically. Taking Creatine pre-workout or post-exercise is less important than remembering to take it regularly, although making it part of your daily eat-before-gym routine is a good way to remember to take it.

Fast Fact Summary

·      Creatine is one of the most studied, scientifically supported supplements around.

·      It can help fuel performance, and support strength and power muscle mass, and aid recovery.

·      It is used by a wide variety of athletes and fitness enthusiasts both women and men

·      Consistent use, over time, brings the best results.


Understand more about the Science Behind Creatine’s Power